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More Malaysians repatriated home from Cambodia via special flight

Prathna​​   On April 27, 2020 - 10:11 am​   In Cambodia Insider  
More Malaysians repatriated home from Cambodia via special flight More Malaysians repatriated home from Cambodia via special flight

The Malaysian Embassy in Cambodia, with the cooperation and assistance of the Cambodian authorities, has successfully concluded its fourth repatriation flight from Cambodia to Malaysia.

The flight was organised by the Embassy as there Malaysians who were still stranded in Cambodia for various reasons and wanted to get back home even though they faced a 14 mandatory quarantine.

A total of 80 Malaysians flew back to Malaysia on Saturday 25 April, through a Lanmei Airlines flight.

Ambassador Eldeen, Malaysia’s top envoy to the Kingdom, embassy officials, as well as Captain Darren Chan, Deputy CEO of Lanmei Airlines were at the Phnom Penh International Airport to ensure a smooth operation and wish their countrymen a pleasant journey back home.

The Malaysian Ambassador also conveyed the embassy’s gratitude to Lanmei Airlines for its invaluable assistance in helping to realise Malaysia’s latest repatriation flight from Cambodia.

“We had to get them back home and to their families in due course after the quarantine as they were facing difficulties in continuing to stay in Cambodia because of various reasons. Our duty is to help all Malaysians, irrespective of race or creed.

“Unfortunately we could not accommodate one Malaysian who was discharged from hospital just today (Saturday) after the flight had departed. Otherwise, he too would have departed on the Lanmei airlines flight,” the Ambassador said.

One passenger who contacted Khmer Times by phone and declined identity said that he and his female partner were extremely grateful to the embassy to organise this flight. We understand from the Embassy that it is difficult to get flights into Cambodia at the moment because of lockdowns imposed all around the world.

“Without the embassy’s very gracious assistance, hospitality and solidarity, they, the embassy managed to secure this flight and now we are boarding the plane to head home, quarantine and then home, in that order. Thank you Ambassador Eldeen and all embassy staff who were at the airport to see through the process and ensure there were no glitches,” he said.

Credited: Khmer Times
