Over 22,000 vehicles fined in first 14 days of traffic law reinforcement

During the first 14 days of the rollout campaign of the revised traffic law, 22,381 vehicles were fined throughout Cambodia.
The update was provided by General Chhay Kimkhoeun, Spokesperson of the General commissariat of National Police here in Phnom Penh recently, adding that of the vehicles, 16,579 are motorbikes and 5,802 are cars and trucks.
General Kimkhoeun said that for May 14 alone, traffic police officials fined 1,012 vehicles including 443 cars and trucks.
Not wearing helmet, having no number plate, not putting on seatbelt, violating traffic sign, using mobile phone while driving, drink-driving, and over-speeding were the common causes of the penalties.
With the reinforcement of the traffic law kick-started on May 1, road accidents dropped remarkably to only 93 cases, resulting in 48 deaths and 122 injuries.
The General Commissariat of National Police urged the public to pay more attention to the respect of traffic law which means loving their lives and the lives of other fellow Cambodians. Lim Nary/AKP